Waterhaus by Greenpod Development

With an emphasis on sustainable and healthy homes, Greenpod Development built Waterhaus using structural insulated panels (SIPs) and low-VOC interior finishes.

The bold, modern exterior is a mix of black HardiePanel and cedar siding, while the large windows are strategically placed to allow for privacy and natural light.

The 450-square-foot house features custom fir cabinets, Paperstone recycled countertops, and bamboo flooring. The doors, chairs, and tables are made locally with sustainable materials. Multi-use furniture includes stacking tables and a disappearing bed.

The houses can be build in their factory or on-site. The factory build allows for more efficient building practices and less waste.

You can view more information about the Waterhouse on the Greenpod Development website.

Sustainable Tiny House - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Tiny House Exterior - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Custom Fir Cabinets - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Locally Sourced Materials - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Outside Water Feature - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Multi-Use Furniture - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Living Room - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Living Room Furnishings - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
High Windows For Privacy - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development
Custom Bathroom Sink - Waterhaus by Greenpod Development

Images © Greenpod Development