Made from two 20’ repurposed steel shipping containers, the Happy Twogether provides a more traditional house layout than a tiny house on wheels. The shipping container tiny house was built by Custom Container Living in Archie, Missouri.
The main floor bedroom and living room are in one container while the main entryway, kitchen, and bathroom are in the other. An archway connects the two containers.

There are tile floors in the entryway and bathroom, and bamboo flooring throughout the rest of the house. Pine tongue-and-groove walls are used through the main part of the house and corrugated metal is used in the bathroom.
The custom kitchen cabinets are made from birch and stained green and blue, adding a lot of color to contrast with the natural pine walls.
The Happy Twogether is heated and cooled with a Mitsubishi Hyper heat system and has spray foam insulation in the walls and ceiling.
Also available from Custom Container Living:

Images © Custom Container Living